Volume 25
  —  2021
Number 5
September 2021
ISSN 2340-311X (Online)
Effect of naproxen on testicular morphometry and serum gonadotropin level of cadmium intoxication in rats
Pages 523
 - 531
Exogenous melatonin restored the cyto-architectural integrity and biochemical activities of the cerebrum in sodium fluoride induced toxicity
Pages 533
 - 540
Evaluation of mesenchymal stem cell therapy on diabetic rats’ thyroid function (Histological and Biochemical study)
Pages 541
 - 551
Radiological anatomy of the suboccipital segment of the vertebral artery in a select South African population
Pages 553
 - 562
Macroscopic and digital anthropometry of the human scaphoid: a comparative study
Pages 563
 - 570
Pituitary gland size in temporal lobe epilepsy
Pages 571
 - 575
Diabetes mellitus induced impairment of sperm parameters in mice: A stereological method
Pages 577
 - 583
Ameliorative effect of capsaicin against cardiac dysfunction induced by high fat diet in adult male rat
Pages 585
 - 600
Unusual case of supraspinatus tear
Pages 601
 - 606
Anomalous left superior pulmonary vein draining into the left brachiocephalic trunk: case report
Pages 607
 - 610
Variant of the sinus node artery with an unusual origin and course. A unique postmortem visualization after corrosion casting technique
Pages 611
 - 613
The management of scientific achievement in life sciences: a perspective from the complexity
Pages 615
 - 624
Considerations for the containment of COVID-19 in cadavers: ensuring the continuance of human dissection for the education of healthcare professionals
Pages 625
 - 632
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