Eur J Anat, 24 (6): 507-512 (2020)
Modifications to the delivery of a gross anatomy course during the COVID-19 pandemic at a Mexican medical school
Milton A. Muñoz-Leija, Pablo P. Zarate-Garza, Guillermo Jacobo-Baca, Alejandro Quiroga-Garza, Yolanda Salinas-Alvarez, Javier H. Martinez-Garza, Rodrigo E. Elizondo-Omaña, Santos Guzmán-López
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, School of Medicine, Human Anatomy Department, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
ABSTRACT The Coronavirus disease was declared a pan-demic this year, causing an impact on medical ed-ucation. Following the World Health Organizationâ??s (WHO) recommendations, Universities around the world implemented social distancing and the use of online platforms. Anatomists lead medical stu-dents, most of which are part of Generation Z. Dif-ferent technological tools have been used in the gross anatomy course in combination with face-to-face classes, but now are forced to move exclu-sively online. The Human Anatomy Department in the Medical School of the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León (UANL) implemented asynchro-nous sessions as a short-term resolution, trans-formed to synchronous sessions as the pandemic progressed. It is important to consider the adapta-bility of the student, the near-peer teacher, and academic staff, with the creation of innovative ide-as to facilitate the learning for the student and to maintain the quality of the course. Their role in this modality should be assessed, as it may change medical education and the way to teach in the fu-ture for the new generation of medical students. Professorsâ?? roles are changing and it is necessary to adapt to new situations.
Keywords: Medical Education â?? Covid 19 â?? Human Anatomy â?? Coronavirus â?? Near-peers â?? Academic staff â?? Students
European Journal of anatomy
ISSN 2340-311X (Online)