Eur J Anat, 24 (6): 449-458 (2020)
The attitude of medical students towards the teaching of Anatomy
Mustafa S. Yousuf1, Heather L. Harvey1, Ashraf Ramzy1, Aiman S. Al Sharei1, Walaâ??a Q. Al-Zboun1, Darwish H. Badran2
1The Hashemite University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Zarqa, Jordan,2The University of Jordan School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Amman, Jordan
ABSTRACT The study of anatomy is essential in understand-ing basic and clinical medical sciences and it is taught by various methods. This study aimed to find out the attitude of medical students in Jordan towards the various methods of teaching anatomy and their opinion regarding the relevance of anato-my in their study. An online survey was sent to the third- to sixth-year medical students at the Hashe-mite University, Jordan. The survey asked about various aspect of teaching anatomy. The answers were analyzed using non-parametric methods.The response rates ranged from 24% to 45% in the different groups. More than half the students believed that anatomy was interesting, but only a small percentage thought about becoming anato-mists. In all the groups, plastic models were con-sidered the most favored method of teaching and theoretical lectures were the least favored. The students preferred the number of lab session to be increased and lectures to be decreased. Text-books were not considered as a main source of study. A very high percentage of students in all the groups considered digital media as a main source of study preferring it to be incorporated more in the curriculum. A greater percentage of students in the third and fourth years thought that too much infor-mation was given in their anatomy courses. The greater percentage of students in the fifth and sixth years did not. Almost all the students believed that anatomy was important in understanding basic and clinical medical sciences and in their future profes-sion as doctors.Modifications in the anatomy curriculum may be required. More practical sessions should be ar-ranged, reading textbooks should be encouraged, and new technology and digital media need to be incorporated more.
Keywords: Teaching anatomy â?? Anatomy curriculum â?? Medical students â?? Medical education â?? Digital media â?? Jordan
European Journal of anatomy
ISSN 2340-311X (Online)