Eur J Anat, 22 (2): 183-193 (2018)
The National Undergraduate Neuroanatomy Competition: Five years of educating, inspiring and motivating our future neurologists and neurosurgeons
Matthew A. Myers1, Samuel R. Hall1, Jonny Stephens1, Andrew Lowry2, Eleanor Seaby1, William Parton1, Simon McElligott1, Ahmad Elmansouri1, Charlotte H. Harrison1, Rachel Parrott1, Scott Border1
1Centre for Learning Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom, 2Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts, Sheffield, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT Neurological conditions are common so a knowledge of neuroanatomy is necessary for junior doctors. Additionally, some students have a particular interest in neuroscience. However, little time is dedicated to neuroanatomy in the medical curriculum, and many students struggle with neuroanatomy. The National Undergraduate Neuroanatomy Competition (NUNC) aims to support the development of neuroanatomical knowledge among medical students and promote interest in neurosciences.Students who attended the NUNC completed a series of neuroanatomy-based examinations and a questionnaire investigating aspects of neuroanatomy teaching and resources at their home university. 387 students attended the NUNC between 2013 and 2017, of which 382 had a complete data set (response rate 98.7%). Male students significantly outperformed female students (p<0.0001) and clinical students outperformed pre-clinical students (p<0.05). Best answered questions were on the spine (average score 53.9%), and the most poorly answered questions were on the vasculature (average score 44.7%). Students felt that the neuroanatomy teaching, time spent on neuroanatomy and dissection/prosection resources were all reasonable (6-7/10) at their home institution. E-learning resources were rated more poorly (5.4/10). We conclude that the NUNC gives students the opportunity to enhance their neuroanatomical knowledge and gives keen students the chance to develop their interest.
Keywords: Anatomy â?? Undergraduate â?? Medical education research â?? Medicine â?? Conferences
European Journal of anatomy
ISSN 2340-311X (Online)