Identifying calcification of arteries in the head and neck region may aid in the diagnosis of advanced systemic conditions. In contrast, failure to recognize them can result in incorrect diagnoses and ineffective treatments. Radiographic analyses can be used to detect such calcifications. This report focuses on calcifications discovered in the facial, lingual, and infraorbital arteries following a routine dental care panoramic radiograph. This report is particularly notable because it is the second in the literature to highlight the calcification of all three arteries.
Facial, lingual, and infraorbital artery calcification: A rare incidental radiographic finding
Karthikeya Patil, C.J. Sanjay, Eswari Solayappan, Namrata Suresh
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, JSS Dental College and Hospital, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysore - 570 015, India
Eur. J. Anat.
, 27
ISSN 2340-311X (Online)
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