Issue Contents
Volume 23 - Number 4
July 2019
- Original Articles
Atomoxetine enhances memory and proliferation in adult male rat hippocampus
Maha El Beltagy, Ahmed Salman, Amjad Shatarat, Maram Mohsen, Doaa Qattan, Hanan Jafar
The 3-D muscular structure of the human pancreaticobiliary junction
Natasha Ironside, Xiaoming Wang, Nima Purvis, Justin Fernandez, Mark D. Stringer, S. Ali Mirjalili
Accessory mandibular foramina and bifid mandibular canals - an anatomical study
Gyanaranjan Nayak, Niranjan Sahoo, Sitansu Panda
Is lead in Nagabhasma toxic to liver? â?? A histological evaluation
Lydia S. Andrade, Kumar M.R. Bhat
Prevalence and distribution of dilacerations in the permanent dentition of an Iranian population
Maryam Kuzekanani, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi
Variations in origin and branching pattern of hepatic arteries and their clinical significance
Priyanka Sridhar, Arole Vasanti, Bharambe Vaishaly
Efficacy of six artemisinin-based combination therapies in the attenuation of Plasmodium berghei-induced testicular toxicity in Swiss mice
Innocent A. Edagha, Offong B. Offong, Akpan U. Ekanem, Edelungudi I. Edagha, Ikanna E. Asuquo, Aniekan I. Peter, Onyemaechi O. Azu
The debatable Arcade of Struthers: is it still time to consider it?
Marco Guidi, Valentin Neuhaus, Bartolomeo Scarsi, Maurizio Calcagni, Andreas Prescher, Bernhard Dimitri Ciritsis
- Case Reports
The lumbo-sacral transitional vertebra (LSTV) sacrum with negligible sacral kyphosis: a case report with an evolutionary review
Asghar Adil, Chaudhary Binita, Naaz Shagufta, Narayan Ravi Kant
- Letter to the Editor
The Aleph and the écorché
David J. Jackowe